Upcoming Events2024-06-21T23:33:37+00:00

Upcoming Events

Event Archive

Tribeca Festival to Premiere AI-Generated Films by OpenAI’s Sora

Artificial intelligence is transforming the film industry, and the 2024 Tribeca Festival is making a significant move by dedicating a segment to AI-generated films. On Friday, the festival announced Sora Shorts, a program featuring five original short films created with OpenAI’s advanced text-to-video AI model, Sora. This event marks the debut of Sora-made movies at a major festival. Sora, an advanced tool from OpenAI, is not yet public and is new even for experienced AI filmmakers. OpenAI granted early access [...]

Cannes Film Festival, the Curtain Rises: Italy focuses on Sorrentino

The 77th Cannes Film Festival opened on Tuesday with the presentation of an honorary Palme d’Or for Meryl Streep and the unveiling of Greta Gerwig’s jury. Streep earned the kermesse first lengthy standing ovation during the opening ceremony. After Juliette Binoche introduced her, the actress shook her head, fanned herself, and danced while the crowd thunderously cheered. “I’m just so grateful that you haven’t gotten sick of my face and you haven’t gotten off the train,” said Streep. The reception [...]

SeriesFest, Denver 1-5 May

Denver's Premier Platform for Independent TV Storytelling Often referred to as the "Sundance of television", SeriesFest returns to Denver for its 10th edition, celebrating the art of independent television series creation. This event provides a platform for emerging and seasoned creators to debut their pilots to audiences that include both industry experts and enthusiasts. It offers numerous opportunities throughout the year for creators to network, collaborate, and share stories that have a global impact. Now in its 10th year, the [...]

LA Games Conference – May 6th

The LA Games: Law and Finance Summit 2024 comes back May 6th at UCLA Ballroom Palisades. Hosted in-person only! The LA’s original B2B Games Conference is a key event for Los Angeles' vibrant gaming community, offering a day of valuable interactions and discussions among developers and gaming executives. It features a variety of formats including fireside chats, roundtables, panels, and presentations, focusing on aspects like investment, development, distribution, marketing, and making money in the digital gaming sector. Last year the [...]


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Italian Trade Agency

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T. +1 323 879 0950

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