Streaming Giants Unite: The Emergence Of The Streaming Innovation Alliance

It is the first time competing streaming providers have joined forces.


In a groundbreaking move, significant players in the streaming video industry, including Netflix, Disney, Warner Bros. Discovery, and Paramount, have come together to form the Streaming Innovation Alliance (SIA). It is the first time competing streaming providers have joined forces to advocate for their shared interests in the political arena.

SIA, the Streaming Industry Alliance, aims to become a powerful coalition determined to shape the future of streaming video. Made up of prominent companies and organizations, the SIA is focused on making its voice heard by politicians and government bodies. Their goal? To push for federal and state policies that foster a competitive and consumer-friendly streaming market.

Leading the charge are industry giants like Discovery+, Max, Netflix, Paramount+, and more. Together, they’re joining forces to create a favorable regulatory environment that encourages innovation, fair competition, and incredible consumer experiences within the streaming landscape.

While the SIA boasts an impressive lineup of launch members, it’s worth noting that major players like Apple, Amazon, Google/YouTube, and Roku have yet to join the alliance.

To bolster their influence and expertise, the SIA has appointed seasoned political figures as senior advisers—Fred Upton, a Republican veteran with 36 years of service in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Mignon Clyburn, a Democrat who previously served as acting chair of the Federal Communications Commission.

Charles Rivkin, chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association, has played a pivotal role in establishing the SIA. In recognizing the significance of streaming, Rivkin has championed its value and diversity for consumers. Moreover, he has underscored the importance of implementing policies that foster innovation and safeguard the current advantages it offers.

Mignon Clyburn highlighted how streaming services have ushered in a new era of progress, providing diverse content and job opportunities in historically underserved communities. She emphasized the importance of avoiding policies that could stifle this progress.

Fred Upton praised the success story of innovative streaming services, asserting that they should be celebrated and encouraged rather than burdened by outdated regulations.

In conjunction with its launch, the SIA presented the results of a recent poll, revealing that an overwhelming 70% of registered voters view streaming services favorably or very favorably. The poll also highlighted the worrisome implications of possible new regulations on streaming services, including increased data collection and potential effects on sensitive programming. Voters expressed “worry that new rules could disproportionately affect diverse and independent streaming services.”

The formation of the Streaming Innovation Alliance represents a significant development in the streaming industry, bringing together fierce competitors to collaborate on policy advocacy for the benefit of both the industry and its consumers.


Source: Variety

Published On: October 4, 2023Categories: NewsTags:


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It is the first time competing streaming providers have joined forces.


In a groundbreaking move, significant players in the streaming video industry, including Netflix, Disney, Warner Bros. Discovery, and Paramount, have come together to form the Streaming Innovation Alliance (SIA). It is the first time competing streaming providers have joined forces to advocate for their shared interests in the political arena.

SIA, the Streaming Industry Alliance, aims to become a powerful coalition determined to shape the future of streaming video. Made up of prominent companies and organizations, the SIA is focused on making its voice heard by politicians and government bodies. Their goal? To push for federal and state policies that foster a competitive and consumer-friendly streaming market.

Leading the charge are industry giants like Discovery+, Max, Netflix, Paramount+, and more. Together, they’re joining forces to create a favorable regulatory environment that encourages innovation, fair competition, and incredible consumer experiences within the streaming landscape.

While the SIA boasts an impressive lineup of launch members, it’s worth noting that major players like Apple, Amazon, Google/YouTube, and Roku have yet to join the alliance.

To bolster their influence and expertise, the SIA has appointed seasoned political figures as senior advisers—Fred Upton, a Republican veteran with 36 years of service in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Mignon Clyburn, a Democrat who previously served as acting chair of the Federal Communications Commission.

Charles Rivkin, chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association, has played a pivotal role in establishing the SIA. In recognizing the significance of streaming, Rivkin has championed its value and diversity for consumers. Moreover, he has underscored the importance of implementing policies that foster innovation and safeguard the current advantages it offers.

Mignon Clyburn highlighted how streaming services have ushered in a new era of progress, providing diverse content and job opportunities in historically underserved communities. She emphasized the importance of avoiding policies that could stifle this progress.

Fred Upton praised the success story of innovative streaming services, asserting that they should be celebrated and encouraged rather than burdened by outdated regulations.

In conjunction with its launch, the SIA presented the results of a recent poll, revealing that an overwhelming 70% of registered voters view streaming services favorably or very favorably. The poll also highlighted the worrisome implications of possible new regulations on streaming services, including increased data collection and potential effects on sensitive programming. Voters expressed “worry that new rules could disproportionately affect diverse and independent streaming services.”

The formation of the Streaming Innovation Alliance represents a significant development in the streaming industry, bringing together fierce competitors to collaborate on policy advocacy for the benefit of both the industry and its consumers.


Source: Variety

Published On: October 4, 2023Categories: NewsTags:


Golden Globes Introduces New Categories For Blockbuster Films And Stand-Up Comedy
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