Amazon MGM Studios Expand Theatrical Releases, Reinforcing Cinema’s Role in Their Future Strategy

At the 2025 South by Southwest (SXSW) conference, Amazon and MGM Studios unveiled their theatrical release plans for 2025, reflecting a growing commitment to the big screen. With an ambitious goal of releasing 12 to 14 films annually by 2026, the company is using 2025 as a transitional year to expand its international distribution and marketing network, laying the groundwork for a stronger theatrical presence.

Jennifer Salke, Head of Amazon and MGM Studios, and Courtenay Valenti, Head of Film, emphasized that while streaming remains a core part of their business, theatrical releases are integral to their strategy. As part of this shift, Amazon MGM is developing its own global distribution and marketing division, which will take over worldwide releases after the studio’s current deal with Warner Bros. expires at the end of 2025.

Among the films expected to hit theaters in 2025 are A Working Man, The Accountant 2, G20, and Superboys of Summer, along with other projects currently in development. This diverse slate underscores Amazon MGM’s commitment to providing audiences with a wide range of storytelling experiences, from action-packed sequels to original dramas.

Salke highlighted the importance of collaborating with filmmakers who prioritize the theatrical experience, ensuring that Amazon MGM’s growing slate is designed for the big screen. Valenti echoed this sentiment, reinforcing that theatrical releases remain a cornerstone of the industry and a vital component of the studio’s long-term vision.

By expanding its theatrical strategy while maintaining a strong streaming presence, Amazon MGM Studios is positioning itself as a key player in the evolving entertainment landscape. With greater control over its distribution and a growing pipeline of theatrical content, the company aims to solidify its place in both cinemas and living rooms worldwide.

Source: Deadline

Published On: March 11, 2025Categories: News


Hollywood Meets the Strip: Warner Bros. and Sony Bet Big on Las Vegas Film Hub

At the 2025 South by Southwest (SXSW) conference, Amazon and MGM Studios unveiled their theatrical release plans for 2025, reflecting a growing commitment to the big screen. With an ambitious goal of releasing 12 to 14 films annually by 2026, the company is using 2025 as a transitional year to expand its international distribution and marketing network, laying the groundwork for a stronger theatrical presence.

Jennifer Salke, Head of Amazon and MGM Studios, and Courtenay Valenti, Head of Film, emphasized that while streaming remains a core part of their business, theatrical releases are integral to their strategy. As part of this shift, Amazon MGM is developing its own global distribution and marketing division, which will take over worldwide releases after the studio’s current deal with Warner Bros. expires at the end of 2025.

Among the films expected to hit theaters in 2025 are A Working Man, The Accountant 2, G20, and Superboys of Summer, along with other projects currently in development. This diverse slate underscores Amazon MGM’s commitment to providing audiences with a wide range of storytelling experiences, from action-packed sequels to original dramas.

Salke highlighted the importance of collaborating with filmmakers who prioritize the theatrical experience, ensuring that Amazon MGM’s growing slate is designed for the big screen. Valenti echoed this sentiment, reinforcing that theatrical releases remain a cornerstone of the industry and a vital component of the studio’s long-term vision.

By expanding its theatrical strategy while maintaining a strong streaming presence, Amazon MGM Studios is positioning itself as a key player in the evolving entertainment landscape. With greater control over its distribution and a growing pipeline of theatrical content, the company aims to solidify its place in both cinemas and living rooms worldwide.

Source: Deadline

Published On: March 11, 2025Categories: News


Hollywood Meets the Strip: Warner Bros. and Sony Bet Big on Las Vegas Film Hub