Could The Panic Surrounding AI Lead To Regulation?’s answer is yes, so careful reflections are needed.


The growing concern: is artificial intelligence a real threat? raises concerns about the potential ramifications of AI panic on regulation.

In an article by Divyansh Kaushik and Matt Korda, the two authors write: “The proliferation of sensationalist narratives surrounding artificial intelligence — fueled by interest, ignorance, and opportunism — threatens to derail essential discussions on AI governance and responsible implementation. The demand for AI stories has created a perfect storm for misinformation, as self-styled experts peddle exaggerations and fabrications that perpetuate sloppy thinking and flawed metaphors. Tabloid-style reporting on AI only fuels the flames of hysteria further.”

From ChatGPT to the proliferation of increasingly realistic AI-generated images, there’s little doubt that machine learning is progressing rapidly. “Yet there’s often a striking lack of understanding about what is happening. This curious blend of keen interest and vague comprehension has fueled a torrent of chattering-class clickbait teeming with muddled analogies. Take, for instance, the pervasive comparison likening AI to nuclear weapons — a trope that continues to sweep through media outlets and congressional chambers alike.” Should the world regulate AI as it did with nuclear weapons?” Of course, the two writers know regulation is needed, but: “it’s essential that we strive for nuanced regulations and resist simplistic solutions that might strangle the potential we’re striving to unleash,” they write. The regulation should prioritize how it is used, rather than completely banning it, considering its widespread use and the diverse group of people working on it.


Published On: July 12, 2023Categories: NewsTags:


Wall Street's Mid-Year Stock Picks for Challenging Times
Survey: Streaming User Interfaces Don't Click With Consumers’s answer is yes, so careful reflections are needed.


The growing concern: is artificial intelligence a real threat? raises concerns about the potential ramifications of AI panic on regulation.

In an article by Divyansh Kaushik and Matt Korda, the two authors write: “The proliferation of sensationalist narratives surrounding artificial intelligence — fueled by interest, ignorance, and opportunism — threatens to derail essential discussions on AI governance and responsible implementation. The demand for AI stories has created a perfect storm for misinformation, as self-styled experts peddle exaggerations and fabrications that perpetuate sloppy thinking and flawed metaphors. Tabloid-style reporting on AI only fuels the flames of hysteria further.”

From ChatGPT to the proliferation of increasingly realistic AI-generated images, there’s little doubt that machine learning is progressing rapidly. “Yet there’s often a striking lack of understanding about what is happening. This curious blend of keen interest and vague comprehension has fueled a torrent of chattering-class clickbait teeming with muddled analogies. Take, for instance, the pervasive comparison likening AI to nuclear weapons — a trope that continues to sweep through media outlets and congressional chambers alike.” Should the world regulate AI as it did with nuclear weapons?” Of course, the two writers know regulation is needed, but: “it’s essential that we strive for nuanced regulations and resist simplistic solutions that might strangle the potential we’re striving to unleash,” they write. The regulation should prioritize how it is used, rather than completely banning it, considering its widespread use and the diverse group of people working on it.


Published On: July 12, 2023Categories: NewsTags:


Wall Street's Mid-Year Stock Picks for Challenging Times
Survey: Streaming User Interfaces Don't Click With Consumers